Monday, January 18, 2016

Cosplay Line-up and some other updates :)

Sooo, lol, yes, I know I'm new to cosplaying, but you know what they say, the best always started down, right??? (I think there's another kind of quote with the same meaning, but oh well XD) but yeah, I'm still trying to get used to all the makeup and the wig wearing, as well as setting up all the sewing equipment I need for my cosplay, oh, yeah, I'm new, yes, and I can buy my first cosplay, but I decided not to because 1) they're expensive. I know there's of course cheaper versions, but the materials used for every cosplay will be questionable, so I decided to simply create my own, because I get the measurements I want, and I can modify it easily :), and 2) they're expensive. \(^0^)/ 

But yes, I just want to list my cosplay lineup for this year (or the next 3 years tbqh):

1) Hiiragi Shinya - Owari no Seraph (fem. version)
2) Hyakuya Mikaela - Owari no Seraph (fem. version)
3) Hatake Kakashi - Naruto (fem. version)
4) Queen Ismaire - Fire Emblem 8: Sacred Stones
5) Mishakuji Yukari - K Project
6) Ren (Rhyme Version) - DRAMAtical Murder 
7) Ren (Casual/Resurrection Version) - DRAMAtical Murder
8) Hyakuya Yūichirō (Seraph Version) - Owari no Seraph (fem. version)

List will be updated every now and then...when I find more people I want to cosplay XD
Oh, and I now have an IG

Instagram - hanatsukitaiyo

If you want to know what the first part to my IG username, that's of the 2 kingdoms in the newest Fire Emblem game, and I just liked that version better than the other one (though I think I'm going to cosplay someone from the kingdom of Nohr or whatever, but I'll still think about it XD) 

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